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27 January 2010

The Toronto "Red" Star

"We only hire the best & brightest."

And it's not like this is even her first offence...

I wonder if the compassionate, intellectual Star offers their employees "Anger Management" classes.

You have to wonder why the People's Paper would put up with Comrade Zerbisias screechy cant...
...which she admits she "swiped from one of my favourite blogs, Canadian Cynic."

This, of course, is the same anti-semitic Canadian Cynic who makes a hobby out of attacking women online... but is most famous for his vile screed telling the mother of a slain Canadian soldier... "Fuck you and your grief."

And the Toronto Star? Apparently they're good with that.

I don't get it.

I guess you could always ask them.


RELATED: Meanwhile... actual news is MIA