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19 January 2010

Survivor: Extreme Moral Preening

"Even by the standards of Third World dysfunction, what country is such a basket case that it needs outside help to set up a goat farm?"
And Dawg... maybe you could read the whole thing before you start fulminating about drooling racists?
"Wake me up when Neo isn’t a) indulging in his masturbatory sexual fantasies b) drooling over dead Blacks in Toronto."
Posted by Dr.Dawg on January 18th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
Ah yes, once again... the compassionate, intellectual left.

Hey, Puppy... sued anybody lately?


"You gotta figure that these 'kids' fundraised and spent the equivalent of just about 100 more goats and associated feed, if not more."

UPDATE: Fine Young Cannibals

How hungry would YOU have to be... to loot & burn down your own neighbourhood?
"The population was throwing stones at us to stop us from preventing the looting," said Gabriel Diallo, a United Nations officer from Guinea. "They said we can't stop them from looting the food because they were hungry."

The looters then burned down the store, sending a black cloud into the air that added one more dystopian element to the scene.
So what's the deal here... did somebody actually say to themselves... "How can we possibly make this 'hell on earth' worse?"