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18 January 2010

So that means, what...

...he'll be out on parole a week from Tuesday?
-- BRAMPTON, Ont. -- Toronto 18 terrorist Saad Gaya was sentenced Monday to 12 years in prison, minus seven-and-a-half years credit for pre-trial custody.
Ol Saad tried to pull this kind of shit in any Islamic country in the Middle East... they'd have julienned his ass six ways from eternity.

No wonder these guys laugh at us.


"At some point, Canada will have to grow up and understand that terrorists are real-life mass murderers not deserving of all the offender 'rights' that are afforded run of the mill criminals."

"Pass a law that requires a mandatory life sentence, (as in the rest of your life) for plotting or carrying out a terrorist attack. That's probably the best we can hope for since the public is too squeamish to sanction execution."

UPDATE: To quote "Crocodile Dundee"...

"That's not a knife... this is a knife..."
"Zakaria Amara, the mastermind of a 2006 terrorist plot to bomb Toronto, has been given a life sentence by an Ontario judge, a punishment that represents the courtroom climax of the so-called 'Toronto 18' case."
Okay... that's better.