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21 January 2010

So Dalton...

...if this thing tanks... do we get our 7 billion dollars back?
-- QUEENS PARK -- Hudak warned that the agreement, which McGuinty will unveil Thursday at The Exchange Tower, could end up being "a massive multibillion-dollar giveaway to a foreign-based conglomerate without even the most basic of public reviews."

"At its core, it is a preferential, sole-sourced deal that is likely in violation of Ontario's procurement rules."
But of course... that's why we call him Premier McSlippery.


RELATED: The Climate Scam Industry

Yeah... let's invest here...
In the 1970s, nearly 600 Canadian weather stations fed surface temperature readings into a global database assembled by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Today, NOAA only collects data from 35 stations across Canada.

Only one station -- at Eureka on Ellesmere Island -- is now used by NOAA as a temperature gauge for all Canadian territory above the Arctic Circle.

Mr. D'Aleo and Mr. Smith say NOAA and GISS also ignore data from numerous weather stations in other parts of the world, including Russia, the U.S. and China.

Neither agency responded to a request for comment Wednesday from Canwest News Service.
Paging Al Gore.