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17 January 2010

Remember how the OPP...

...bent over & grabbed their ankles in Caledonia?

Well, baby... you ain't seen nuthin' yet...
•Woman: "The JDL, the Zionists have a list with Richard Gere with a penis."•

•Me: "With a what?"•

•Woman: "A picture of Richard Gere with a penis beside him."•

•Me: "Where have you seen this list? I haven't seen this list."•

•Woman: "Google it."•
You have a special contingent of police bodyguards... maybe you feel can spout any insanity that hits the ol' brainpan.


UPDATE: What's that???? Celebrity Penis????

...Stoogeleft and pals are there with bells on.

Thank goodness for the compassionate, intellectual left.