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13 January 2010

Oh, my friend... you're far too modest

I mean, for example... look at the obvious influence you have in the world of fashion...
"I am general lecturer and a writer of books. If someone says they listened to my lectures or read my books, am I to blame if he then, say, divorces his wife, or if he attacks someone?"

"If that's the case, then all teachers and professors should be accused," said al-Zindani, who also denied any connection to Abdulmutallab.
Yes, of course Adbul... objectively there's obviously not a whit of difference between yourself and, say... Stephen Hawking.

And let's not forget al-Zindani's scientific treatise on the neurological differences between men & women...
"What is the outcome of this? When a woman talks, she uses the part of the brain that contains the memory, because in the case of women, both centers function for speech and memory."

"So when a woman talks, she might use the part of the brain containing the memory for talking – and that’s it, the data is lost."
Hey, Sheiky... what's the title of this particular book?


RELATED: Damn you, Shaytaan!!!


"That would explain why I found a magic wand up my ass this morning."

"I must've fallen asleep reading Harry Potter."