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12 January 2010

Make a statement... hairy, pimpled arse... just tell me not one single taxpayer dollar was used to put this monstrosity on public display...
"It was important to let the public speak," said Miriam Blume, the Biennale's director of marketing and communications, in an interview with the Post. "We were fascinated watching the media coverage, reading the letters to the editor."
Not to be a Philistine here, Miriam... but who exactly is preventing the public from speaking? If anything... wasn't that what Mao & Lenin were most famous for?

You wanna freak out about censorship... maybe do it over here.

And, oh yeah... while we're on free speech, please tell me, while the whole country is flipping out about deficit spending... who exactly is paying the freight on this?


"Now THAT is a statue that deserves to be soaked in buckets of blood."

RELATED: In other "Lotus Land" news
"Dude. Whoa. Like, after you get some doritos, maybe check the fourteen voice mails you haven't answered yet. I'm guessing they're all from Michael Ignatieff's office."