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11 January 2010

Look who just blew back into town

"Michael Ignatieff, unseen in Canada until Thursday night, when he arrived on a flight from Europe after an extended vacation, has launched a small-budget ad campaign intended to distract attention from his lengthy absence."
I'm still shakin' my head about the Liberal Party's previous brainwave... freakin' out about Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament... while Iggy's jettin' around Europe.

Just another steamin' pile of crap from the "Welcome Back Khadr" party.


"So it's back to Harper has 'something to hide'. It is 'hidden agenda' all over again."

"What is old is, well, old again."

RELATED: Help me out, is it still racism...

...if you're a native-born Yemeni?
"Yemen's new notoriety doesn't surprise me; what does is how all the warning signs went unnoticed for so long.

I saw it in my own flesh and blood: An open-minded family defined by its love of arts and culture embraced hard-line interpretations of Islam and turned its back on social progress and intellectual freedom."
C'mon Dawg... don't be shy.