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07 January 2010

Just something to think about...

...while you're sitting there sweating over this years income taxes...
-- HAMILTON -- The taxpayer bill for the simmering land dispute with Six Nations protesters in Caledonia is $64.3 million and counting.

The running tab, according to Ontario's Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, does not include $15.8 million the province paid for the former Douglas Creek Estates, which was seized and occupied on Feb. 28, 2006 by protesters from the nearby Six Nations reserve.
And it's not like the feds come off all that well either.
Ottawa kicked in $26.4 million to reimburse Queen's Park for the cost of purchasing the residential subdivision that was then under construction. The money included $10.6 million to offset extraordinary policing costs.

Haldimand County Mayor Marie Trainer said the province continues to veto commercial and residential development proposals in Caledonia for fear another native protest will erupt.
Wag the dog.