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19 January 2010

The Divine Right of Kings

C'mon... we all know President McDreamy is supposed to automatically get whatever he wants...
The President was not happy about the situation in which Ms. Coakley finds herself. “He was both surprised and frustrated,” Mr. Gibbs said.

“Angry?” one reporter asked. “Not pleased,” Mr. Gibbs replied.
Are you allowed to have tantrums in Camelot?


RELATED: It's raining payback
In a perfect political storm, Scott Brown became the first Republican to win a Massachusetts senate seat since 1972.

The result is one of the biggest post-war shocks and given the fact the Democrats lost their supermajority, probably the most momentous.
Yee-ouch... that's gonna leave a mark.


LAST WORD: Eyes on the prize
"So in the most liberal of liberal states, in a race for the Senate seat held for two generations by a Kennedy, the voters were asked if they wanted to kill President Barack Obama's cherished health care reform package."