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26 January 2010

"Dave, er... Iggy's not here man"

Despite the imposition of a code of silence on Mr. Rebagliati by the federal Liberal Party, for whom he plans to run in the next election, the former Olympian spoke openly about his desire to see marijuana legalized.

"Prohibition didn't work; this isn't working," he said after running with the torch, which some have even said resembles a giant joint.

He was ultimately allowed to keep his gold medal (he argued that he'd inhaled the smoke second-hand but the IOC's decision was based on the fact that marijuana was not specifically banned). But the headline-making incident took a deep toll.
So bong related activities aside... what's ol' Ross been up to?
"A cloud was following me, plus everyone knew who I was. It's like the perfect storm for someone to go into hiding, which is basically what I did for two years."

He was unable to collect his mail, go shopping, or pay his taxes. "I was completely unable to function. I was in shock, actually, coming back." He has had more ups and downs in the years since: lawsuits and money problems.
Yeah... that's what I'm looking for in an MP.

Way to audible, Iggy.