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27 January 2010

36 convictions... and counting

If they caught him three dozen times... wandering around with a loaded gun in his pants... would he be a dangerous offender then?
-- West Tatamagouche, N.S. -- She became furious once she learned of Mr. Naugle's record. The officers were talking about him, and when they got to the police station she asked whether they knew him.

“They said, ‘oh yeah, we have a nickname for him, the police know him as Super-Naugle,' ” she remembered. “He's super at what he does, drinking and driving.”
Only in Canada, you say?


RELATED: Those horrible, racist Montreal cops...

...the subtext the mainstream media, by and large ignored...
Villanueva’s citizenship application was denied two years ago because of criminal activities dating back to 2006 when he was associated with street gangs.

Villanueva faces weapons and robbery charges and is due back in court in April.
This guy was no cherry.


"if police in 33 and 41 by beat up too many teenget lead them head injury and lead to mental hospital this is too many lead from teen to youth those name of officers who beat to head of child to made them mental ill need to come up now"
Ah... yeah... well said... I think.