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10 December 2009

How does that song go?

"I believe solar panels are our future..."
-- COPENHAGEN -- National aid budgets dedicated to reducing global poverty would be raided to establish a “climate fund” to help developing countries to adapt to climate change, under a British plan tabled yesterday in Copenhagen.

Money earmarked for education or health would be diverted into projects such as solar panels and wind farms.
But hey... that's just the way the infanticidal polar bear bounces, right Al?
Oxfam estimates that diverting aid to the climate fund will mean at least 75 million fewer children attending school in developing countries and 8.6 million fewer people having access to HIV/Aids treatment.


RELATED: Enough is enough
"All industry and therefore work should stop. We should also ban fire. Fire is bad. And the wheel. (Especially the wheel. It might get people thinking about working, and thus, polluting)."

"Besides, people weren't meant to live in cities. Humans, in their natural habitat, lived in caves. And hunted mammoths. Which is ok as long as you act noble and sad about it and don't use guns."