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17 December 2009

Ask a social worker

See, where I come from... that's called "aiding & abetting"...
• TORONTO • A 16-year-old boy whose mother put him on a Canada-bound plane with the goal of having him illegally immigrate will be allowed to stay, at least temporarily, after the Toronto Children's Aid Society suggested the boy's safety would be at risk if deported to his home country of St. Lucia.

Despite the fact that the boy's mother and his four siblings still live in St. Lucia, and that the boy has regular telephone contact with his family and has received past financial help from them, Children's Aid, in the words of Justice Mainville, "has apparently decided that the best interest of the child lies elsewhere than with his biological family."
Hang on a second... is that the criteria we're using here?

I don't think so...
"The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada."

Source: Government of Canada (2002) Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2002. Ottawa: Health Canada.