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27 December 2009

Ask an Obamite

From pumping your own gas... to "Be Your Own Sky Marshall"...
Ms. Napolitano, who said repeatedly on the Sunday programs that the system had “worked” because passengers jumped on Mr. Abdulmutallab as he tried to ignite a highly explosive powder mixture, PETN, also called pentaerythritol tetranitrate, that he had taped to his leg.
The enduring genius of Janet Napolitano.


UPDATE: Speaking of dumb bunnies
A day after saying the system worked, Napolitano backtracked, saying her words had been taken out of context.

"Our system did not work in this instance," she said on NBC's Today show. "No one is happy or satisfied with that. An extensive review is under way."

LAST WORD: Hey... here's a thought

Is it just possible that cavity-searching 80 year-old nuns isn't the optimum use of limited security resources?