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17 November 2009

Unfortunately, it's not an argument...

...that has anything to do with talent, originality or mass appeal...
“We want the broadcasters to put 6% of their revenue into original, Canadian scripted drama and comedy,” said Mark McKinney, former star of Kids in the Hall. “There’s a good argument for it.”
And hey, CTV... good luck with that blackmailing the public thing.

That sounds like a real winner.


"I get over 100 channels on my cable. You could go off the air and I doubt I would notice."

Sincerely, the public.

UPDATE: The CBC "Audacity of Hope" files...
CRTC chairman Konrad von Finckenstein asked the public broadcaster why it should be allowed to collect money from consumers, if the idea was approved, since the TV and radio broadcaster already gets more than $1-billion in federal funding for its various operations, and also collects advertising revenue on TV.

LAST WORD: Inadvertant, my ass
The CBC has admitted it inadvertently displayed the jacket of an anti-Sarah Palin book during a story about the former vice-presidential candidate that aired on The National .

A CBC spokesman confirmed that the network mistakenly put up a graphic depicting the cover of Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare.