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19 November 2009

There's goes Africa... and pretty much...

...the rest of the entire third world...

Here's a thought... for arguments sake, let's just get on board with the latest media-perpetuated socialist hysteria around the alleged torture of "ALL" prisoners handed over to the Afghani government.

Never mind that one of the tenets of captured Taliban training manuals is for imprisoned jihadis to claim that they have been tortured & otherwise abused by the Christian Crusaders.

Anyway, veracity aside, how about we just totally roll over on this one and refuse to deal with... financially, militarily or otherwise... any & all regimes worldwide that have been accused of abusing their own citizens.

The money that we save on "foreign affairs" alone will pay down the deficit in very short order.

Bye-bye China... I'm sure gonna miss all that cheap plastic lawn furniture.


UPDATE: I'm gonna go with this guy
Former chief of defence staff Rick Hillier said Thursday he never heard suggestions that Canada may have been complicit in the torture of detainees in Afghanistan.

RELATED: Yet more Liberal smoke & mirrors
That's why the Liberals are spitting bullets over these Tory pamphlets: they know that Volpe can't afford to lose another 9,000 votes, but a few more "war crimes" comments from Ignatieff, and they will.

Ignatieff's war crime comments weren't a slip of the tongue; they were the reiteration of Ignatieff's long-held views about Israel -- views that may have been fashionable in Ignatieff's academic circles in the U.K., but that are shockingly out of touch with Canadian political norms.
I can't wait for the next "Fiberal scandal."


LAST WORD: Taxpayers lose... yet again
Remember David Dingwall’s famous testimony that he was “entitled to his entitlements?” The meter was running even as he said it.

Back in 2005, Mr. Dingwall, a former Liberal cabinet minister, was called to explain the expense bills he racked up as Master of the Royal Canadian Mint.

The irony? He billed the mint $39,789 in expenses for appearing at the committee.