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22 November 2009

Stephane, cher... where's my jockstrap?

Looks like Janine Krieber got tired of being a "good little girl."

Now, if the Liberals ever decide to hold an actual leadership election... instead of, you know... another glitzy coronation... they could do worse than a shoot-from-the-hip, hard-charger like Ms. Krieber.

Of course, all that depends on whether Professor Milquetoast is willing to back the straight-up-the-middle-play... which, of course, in this particular instance, as with so many others... he wasn't.
Sources say Mr. Dion, a Montreal MP, was not involved in producing the note and that people in his camp persuaded Ms. Krieber to delete the message earlier Saturday.
And what heinous words did Mrs Steffi dare impart to the Facebook masses? Something you're not gonna hear any of the backroom boys say out loud...
“The party base understood in 2006 and Canadian citizens are understanding now. Ignatieff's supporters didn't do their homework. They didn't read his books. They contented themselves with his ability to navigate the cocktail circuit.”

“Some of them are enraged today. I hear: 'Why didn't anyone tell us about him?'"

"We told you, loud and clear. You didn't listen.”
Hey, Michael... you think they're still holdin' that slot for you at Hah-vuhd?

You might wanna check on that.


RELATED: Where, oh where is the Puffin King?
Ignatieff's pre-planned absence from the Commons during the detainee debate sparked speculation that the leader wasn't comfortable with the issue, given past writings which some critics allege amount to justifying the use of torture on terrorist suspects.

Ignatieff has always vehemently denied endorsing torture of any kind but Krieber's broadside against his written "insanities" only added fuel to the fire.

FROM THE COMMENTS: The compassionate, intellectual left responds...
"The Liberal Party of Canada may be a fucking disaster these days but you're still the biggest tit around."