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02 November 2009

So it looks like we're over the flu

There's still some coughing & hacking here at the "the halls"... but it looks as though the pestilence has run its course. Still no idea if this thing was "swine", or simply garden variety flu... but it appears to have a four day life-cycle.

The first couple of days were pretty bad... as sick as I've been in the last 10 years... but we're all of us now on the mend. We'll keep Neophyte home from school today and maybe tomorrow as a courtesy to his classmates.

The high point of this thing, asthetically speaking, had to be the bottle-cap sized gobs of dusty-rose phlegm I horked up on day two. I saw those puppies, I was thinking pneumonia... but that symptom seems to have disappeared as of today.

Now, I'm just wondering now if there is a easy way to be tested... to determine whether we need the regular or hi-test innoculation.

Good luck to the rest of you.
