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13 November 2009

Only in Canada, you say?

Native protesters claiming ownership over land being developed into a subdivision, known as the Douglas Creek Estates, occupied the site in February, 2006. The following April, OPP officers raided the site and ejected the protestors only to be driven back when several hundred natives from the nearby Six Nations reserve arrived.

The natives then erected barricades, which police have since respected, with the couple's home cut off from the rest of the community.
So... in Dalton McGuinty's fuzzy-bunny socialist paradise... "might does make right"... as long as you're a member of a "protected group".

So, what does that mean for the rest of us?
Life in their isolation has meant having to present a "passport" to natives when leaving or returning to their house, having their car searched by masked men at barricades, being refused access to their property, having no mail or garbage removal and enduring noise, fires, bright lights and their house being ransacked and defaced with vulgar and racist graffiti.

They have been threatened and intimidated and, all the while, police refused to intervene, the couple alleges.
Un-freakin' believable.
