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09 November 2009

Obama's "My Pet Goat" moment?

Political correctness... it's a killer...
Major Hasan’s exchanges with the cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, once a spiritual leader at a mosque in suburban Virginia where Major Hasan worshipped, indicate that the authorities were aware of Major Hasan before last Thursday’s deadly rampage, but did nothing.
What exactly is up... with this "rush to non-judgement?"
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was declared "not a terrorist" before the facts were out - even before officials were sure whether the attacker was alive or dead.

RELATED: A loosey-goosey sort of Muslim
"The last time he was here, I remember checking his military ID at the door, and he paid his $15 cover and stayed for six or seven hours,"

Jennifer Jenner, who works at Starz using the stage name Paige, said Hasan bought a lap dance from her two nights in a row. She said he paid $50 for a dance lasting three songs in one of the club's private rooms on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30.
No virgins required, huh?
