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11 November 2009

November 11th is a special day...

...for some of us... but when the mother of Lane Watkins, a young Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan, commented on her terrible loss...
"They deserve your respect. In supporting them, you'll make our loss much easier to bear"
... guess which misogynistic Canadian Blogger had to go out of his way to spit in her face.
Looks like Canadian Cynic has a few other issues with Canada... and some Canadians in particular...
And while despicable little Bobby may choose to call it cynicism... I think the rest of us can see this for what it really is.

No respect for women. A very special disrespect for Jews. And a particularly emphatic stream of venom for the Prime Minister and the soldiers that protect our country with their very lives.

Pretty raw, disgusting cant. I mean who could possibly fail to condemn this sort of thing?

Of course... *