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30 November 2009

Nah... I'll pass

Does anybody else remember when the system reported actual NEWS?

Apparently some guy whose sole contribution to humanity... is that he made hundreds of millions of dollars playing, get this... golf... is trying to cover up what he does when he isn't clubbing balls around the great outdoors.

Sorry... just not interested.


RELATED: Herding the sheeple
That belief is held most strongly in Quebec and less so in the Prairies, a survey conducted by Harris-Decima on behalf of the Munk Debates has found.

LAST WORD: Climategate? Never heard of it
The now non-secret data prove what many of us had only strongly suspected — that most of the evidence of global warming was simply made up. That is, not only are the global warming computer models unreliable, the experimental data upon which these models are built are also unreliable.

It is an act of treason against science. It is also an act of treason against humanity, since it has been used to justify an attempt to destroy the world economy.