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11 November 2009

Lest We Forget

Do you know someone who enlisted in World War I in Canada?

-- Search the WWI CEF database --

Do you know a Canadian killed while serving his country?

-- Search the Commonwealth War Graves database --

My wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt) was wounded by German shelling and carried around shrapnel from WWI for the rest of his life.

And he was one of the lucky ones... who got to come back and have a family and live out a long, productive and rewarding life.


RELATED: It's important to remember...

"Freedom isn't Free."
"ps. what's with the piece pic on yr profile? Guns kill people man."

-- Posted by Rob Budde to halls of macadamia at 11:14 AM, May 09, 2008 --
Rob... thank you for asking that particular question.

The picture you refer to... is of a Colt Government Model 1911 pistol that was given to my son's great-grandfather by his father... right before the former took a few years unscheduled vacation in bloody, muddy France... shortly after the turn of the 20th century.

It does indeed have a couple of bodies on it... the result of a trench raid by its intrepid owner.

Perhaps you could also take a moment Rob, to reflect upon the fact that... were it not for soldiers and horrible, evil guns... you might not be sitting around at your computer trolling Conservative websites.

You might instead be chained to a workbench in a concentration camp making industrial products for the Greater German Reich.

But again... thanks for asking.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Remembrance and Gratitude?

The compassionate, intellectual left replies...
"You think we should be impressed that you pretend the gun on your blog belonged to a young man who had to kill other young men with it? We should be impressed because you claim it belonged to a relative of yours?"
"Were it not for soldiers and horrible, evil guns... there wouldn't be any wars."
Simply despicable.
