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26 November 2009

It's all relative, isn't it?

I mean, compared to the CBC, or Lloyd & Lisa... these guys are gonna be the McNeil-Lehrer of the jihadi-sphere...
The CRTC approved a request to carry Qatar-based network Al Jazeera English via satellite, in a decision released Thursday, noting that “AJE will expand the diversity of editorial points of view in the Canadian broadcasting system.”
Heck... no biggie... here's a timely story they can lead off with.

Meanwhile, if you wanna do something useful... wander over here.


UPDATE: Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Just watched Bobo Fife & CTV's spokesman for the undead, Count Lloyd... bantering back & forth about our "diabolical" Prime Minister.

I'm afraid Al Jazeera's gonna just have to stand in line.
