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23 November 2009

If only there was a law

Citizens of Quebec rise up en masse... demand "Explosive Liquids Registry"...
-- MONTREAL -- Two more Italian cafes have been firebombed in Montreal, bringing the number of attacks in recent weeks to seven.

Police say a Mafia turf war, an offensive by street gangs, or copycat arsonists could be behind the firebombings.

Police have few clues - because the establishment owners aren't talking.

UPDATE: And two more today...
Local crime experts have suggested mob factions may be quarrelling, while others have said the murder of a prominent drug trafficker last winter has left a power vacuum.

RELATED: Oh, don't you worry...

...they'll be back.


KARMA UPDATE: Violent thug meets destiny
Toronto's 54th homicide victim has been identified as someone who had belonged to the notorious Malvern Crew street gang.

Alton Reid, 35, had been attending a birthday party at the Atlanta banquet hall on 1240 Ellesmere Rd. in Scarborough on the weekend when someone walked in and started shooting sometime after 3 a.m. on Sunday.

Four people were found wounded at the scene, and Reid showed up later at hospital.

LAST WORD: Vancouver drug thug identified... latest Hogtown homicide victim...
A man shot to death outside an upscale Toronto condo on the weekend is believed to be an accused drug trafficker from Vancouver targeted by his killer or killers.

“He's organized crime, he came to Toronto from Vancouver, where he lives, for a specific purpose, and he was targeted,” a Toronto police source said of Shane Kelter, 32.

U.S. authorities said last fall that Mr. Kelter worked for Jason Ming Wei, a Canadian operating out of Temple City, Calif. Two Toronto men were also charged in the sweep and accused of helping transport Mr. Wei's drugs.

Media reports from last fall say Mr. Kelter was linked with a gang called the Independent Soldiers.