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10 November 2009

Gotta have priorities, I guess

-- OTTAWA -- Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said she is "disturbed" about a report that Afghan detainees will be getting the H1N1 shot before thousands of Canadians and she has ordered an investigation into the matter.

According to the report, Canadian soldiers will start offering the swine flu vaccine to detainees at the Kandahar Airfield on Wednesday.

UPDATE: Apparently this report is mistaken
Afghanistan has asked its international donors for help, but the Canadian government says it has no vaccine to spare. Canadian soldiers in Kandahar began receiving the vaccine last week, along with embassy staff in Kabul.

UPDATE2: Nope... looks like it's true
"That is something we are going to press forward with, at least offering whether or not they want the immunization," Task Force Surgeon Cmdr. Rob Briggs told The Canadian Press.

Briggs said that when medical staff in Kandahar Airfield sought legal advice, they were told that under the Geneva Conventions, prisoners of war should receive the same treatment as Canadian soldiers.
Meanwhile... back at the ranch.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The chimp-o-sphere speaks...
"Only people wearing a CPC logo or carrying a CPC membership card get the flu shot. It's Steve's final solution so he can finally get his majority."
Posted by liberal supporter to halls of macadamia at 6:51 PM, November 10, 2009
Now you know why I delete this moron.
