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14 November 2009

Dear Belleville Best Buy...

Just wanted to let you guys know how impressed I was with one of your employees a little earlier this evening. See, Mrs N and myself had travelled down to your store after perusing the flyer you guys send out each week. We hadn't been there in quite a while but there were a couple of items that caught our eye.

Anyway... I approached a young man and asked him where I could find a certain set of headphones for Neophyte's mp3 player. Said young man informed me that he couldn't assist me as he was on his way to his lunch break... and instead walked me over to another employee at the rear of the store. "This guy will be able to help you," he announced cheerfully before disappearing down the aisle.

Unfortunately, said other lad was already engaged with a couple of folks. I guess we were supposed to stand there until everybody was finished their business. Anyway, at that point we just decided to take our custom elsewhere... and drove on over to Walmart.

Which is where, by-the-way, we will also be buying that LCD flatscreen television & DVD player for my father-in-law.

No big deal, right? Well... not anymore.


"Last year I wrote to Zellers expressing my outrage at the fact that their advertising had banished the word Christmas, referring instead to some nebulous feast called 'Holiday Joy'."

"I also pointed out how they had prominently had the word 'RAMADAN' in their advertising just a few months ago for the muslim feast."

"Sears Canada call centre for catalogue orders in Regina, SK. closed on September. 17/09. That left 250 people out of a job. The call centre in Belleville , Ontario. was also closed leaving 230 people without jobs."

"Now when you call your order in you will be speaking to people in the Phillipines. That’s right folks Sears has moved it’s call centre to the Phillipines because it is cheaper."

"I don’t know about you people but with the way the economy is I know I will no longer be shopping at Sears. If they can’t keep the jobs in Canada then they can move all their stores to the Phillipines."

"Please pass this on. We need to make a stand. Our economy is not going to get any better unless these big companies start sourcing in the country that they do business."