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12 November 2009

Canadian police forces, once again...

...bend over and grab their suckass politically correct ankles...
Windsor, Ont.'s chief of police has publicly apologized to the city's Islamic community after officers who arrested two Muslim men wanted for alleged involvement in a radical Islamist group offended and embarrassed the men's families in the process.

Police would not provide details of the offensive actions.
Yeah... let's make sure we don't hurt any of these people's feelings.

That's the most important thing here.


UPDATE: Chief Fuzzy-Bunny tries again
Smith emphasized that he does not think ESU members did anything wrong and that officer and public safety supersedes cultural concerns.

“The apology is coming from me, because I don’t blame my officers for anything there,” Smith said. “They acted in good faith.”
But, despite no evidence of wrong-doing... he isn't apologising to the officers he slandered. And looky here... he's also bringing an Imam in to sensitise the "innocent" coppers.

Oh, Canada.


RELATED: "Feelings... nothing more than feelings"
The key aspects of this psychobabble include an overemphasis on "self-esteem" at the expense of self-control and personal responsibility; an attitude that practically worships "feelings" at the expense of reason and truth.

LAST WORD: They're baaaaaa-aaaack...
"Thank you once again for your support of the "Georgies". Remember free speech & blasphemy are your rights, exercise them and have yourself some good old-fashioned Offensive Fun!"