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29 November 2009

Beria? Beria who?

Hey... you're a little hazy on that whole fraudulent climate data scandal thingee... don't sweat it... Saint Google will steer you right.


RELATED: Finally... a week later

The MSM reluctantly discovers "Climategate"...
The e-mails, between top climate change scientists, appear to reveal top scientists were suppressing information that contradicted the widely held theory, backed up by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, that climate change is man-made.

The e-mails also appear to reveal a pattern of preventing climate change dissenters from publishing their work in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals.

UPDATE: Momentum beginning to build
Penn State University has announced that it has begun an investigation of the work of Michael Mann, the director of its Earth System Science Center, following revelations contained in the Climategate documents that have emerged from East Anglia University in the UK.