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25 November 2009

Another Ig-noble attempt... stir up scandal... bites the dust...
Retired general Rick Hiller, who as former Chief of the Defence Staff was Canada’s top soldier, told a Parliamentary committee that diplomat Richard Colvin’s warnings in 2006 contained nothing to “warrant the intervention” of himself or other top military brass.

He ridiculed Mr. Colvin's allegation that all detainees handed over to Afghans were likely tortured. "How ludicrous a statement is that?"

RELATED: Setting the record straight
Hillier also slammed Colvin's claim that many of the detainees who had been arrested were innocent people, saying "nothing could be further from the truth."

"We detained, under violent actions, people trying to kill our sons and daughters, who had in some cases done that, been successful at it, and were continuing to do it."
Okay Iggy... who's on deck?


"I just saw the defense 'critic' Ujjal Dosanjh read a statement to Rick Hillier to which Hillier tersely replied, 'Is there a question in there somewhere?'"


LAST WORD: Media Moonbattery richly rewarded
Anybody else see Bob Fife lose his erection on CTV National News tonight after the Hillier testimony?
