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25 October 2009

That sure is one bloodthirsty...

..."Religion of Peace"...
Two powerful car bombs exploded in downtown Baghdad Sunday, killing at least 106 people in a powerful blow to the heart of the fragile city's government, Iraqi medical officials and authorities said.
The truth is, though... why should anybody be surprised... there will be an inevitable escalation of this type of thing as President McDreamy belly-crawls towards appeasement...
Even Obama's Nobel Peace Prize is an exquisite act of condescension from the Norwegians, a dog biscuit and a pat on the head to the American hyperpower for agreeing to spay itself into a hyperpoodle.

UPDATE: What's a few more martyrs anyway?
Car bombs exploded in Baghdad this morning next to two key government buildings, killing at least 147 people and wounding more than 700.