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21 October 2009

So yesterday, Ontario Liberals...

...hinted at a belt-tightening budget, further squeezing the education and healthcare systems... geez, I wonder where the money went...
Ontario government ministries spent almost $390 million on consultants in 2007-08 -- on top of the funds that went to contractors through its agencies, boards and commissions like eHealth Ontario.

Miller said the FOI numbers do not include other government bodies that spend tax dollars, such as eHealth Ontario, which was recently criticized by the Auditor General for its use of high-priced consultants.

"It's outrageous," Miller said. "Now, we find out eHealth is not the biggest. Consumer Affairs is even bigger."
Meanwhile CTV & CBC continue to loudly howl about Consevative logos on prop cheques at photo-ops.

Wake up folks... and smell the propaganda.
