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14 October 2009

Playing with numbers

Researchers at Hamilton's McMaster University say they have devised an electronic medical records system that can be implemented by physicians across Ontario for two per cent of the money the provincial government has spent on eHealth Ontario.

The web-based program, dubbed OSCAR, organizes medical records and can be set up on any computer system with a browser. It was first created in 2001, and has attracted more users each year.

Around 600 doctors across the country — including 450 family physicians in Ontario — currently use the software.
Two percent, huh? And what's the number that this two percent comes out of?
Last week, Auditor General Jim McCarter released his much anticipated report which would determine if Ontarians received value for the money spent to set up eHealth.

As it turns out Ontario families have not received value for their money.

One billion dollars has been spent by the Liberal government on a health system that still isn’t operational.
