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17 October 2009

Pay me now... or pay me later

Pakistan decides it's time to double down...
Between 10,000 and 15,000 hardcore Taliban fighters are believed to be operating in the area, hoping to ambush some of the 30,000 soldiers deployed for the operation.

South Waziristan is an area of around 6,620 square kilometres consisting of plain fields, jagged mountains and dense forests.
And this will, by no means, be a walk in the park... apparently the jihadis are fielding their "A" team...
The Taliban fighters have dug new tunnels, camouflaged mortar guns on the hilltops and planted roadside bombs along the routes anticipated to be used by the troops, according to one Pakistani intelligence official.

The official - who spoke on condition of anonymity - said tough resistance was expected from around 1500 Uzbek and al-Qaeda linked Arab fighters who have a kill or die philosophy.

RELATED: Meanwhile... back in ol' Blighty
On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah in Britain.”
And apparently... everywhere else... as well.
