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09 October 2009

"Of course, actually making peace..."

" not what this nominal peace prize is about. It’s about going through the motions of pursuing peace in a touchy-feely UN-approved way."

"This blemishes the prize Yaser Arafat worked so hard for."
Posted by: FAA067 at October 9, 2009 7:05 AM

RELATED: Reach for the top
Now... what's the female equivalent of getting your dick caught in your zipper?

LAST WORD: Defending the franchise...

And, of course, Liberal Supporter... my very own personal troll & Canadian Cynic's most ardent errand boy/alter-ego... shows up another dozen times to spew... letting me know, once again, how utterly insignificant I am in his life.
-- deleted, yet again --

Yessirree... the compassionate, intellectual left... you just can't get enough of them.