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28 October 2009

In other R.O.P. news

Wackjob terrorist draws down on FBI... gets express ticket for the A-Train...
-- Detroit -- The leader of a Detroit mosque who allegedly espoused violence and separatism was shot and killed Wednesday in an FBI gun battle at a Dearborn warehouse.

Luqman Ameen Abdullah, imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq mosque in Detroit, was being arrested on a raft of federal charges including conspiracy, receipt of stolen goods, and firearms offenses.

Charges were also filed against 11 of Abdullah's followers. Eight were in custody Wednesday night awaiting detention hearings today; three remained at large.
Looks like these guys had some extra-curricular interests...
In January, when members were evicted from a building on Joy Road for non-payment of property taxes, Detroit police confiscated two firearms, about 40 knives and martial arts weapons from Abdullah's apartment, the complaint alleged.
Apparently, there are also three (cough, cough) Canadians involved...
• Mujahid Carswell, also known as Mujahid Abdullah, 30, of Detroit and Ontario, Canada, with conspiracy to commit federal crimes.

• Mohammad Alsahi, also known as Mohammad Palestine, 33, of Ontario, Canada, with conspiracy to commit federal crimes.

• Yassir Ali Khan, 30, of Ontario, Canada, and Warren, with conspiracy to commit federal crimes.

UPDATE: Yeah... it's all about the religion
Abdullah's group, Ummah, is made up mostly of African-American converts to Islam who want to establish a separate Islamic state in the U.S. controlled by their leader, Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, also known as H. Rap Brown, a veteran of the black power movement who is serving a life sentence for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000.