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07 October 2009

I'm starting to see where all that...

...blow yourself up stuff comes from.
-- RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- A Saudi court on Wednesday convicted a man for publicly talking about sex after he bragged on a TV talk show about his exploits, sentencing him to five years in jail and 1,000 lashes, his lawyer said.

Lawyer Sulaiman al-Jumeii said he plans to appeal the court’s ruling and is confident the sentence against his client, which includes a ban on travel and talking to the media for five years after his release, will be revoked.
Hmmm... government controls on... and punishment of... free speech.
"Section 13’s underlying philosophy is incompatible with a free society. And its use by agents of the human rights commission has been corrupted and diseased beyond salvation."

"It is time for the people’s representatives in parliament to defend real human rights and end this grotesque spectacle.”
That sounds so familiar.
