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27 October 2009

From the people who brought you...

...those epic "happy endings" in Rwanda and Darfur.
-- UNITED NATIONS -- Red-faced United Nations officials on Monday admitted to a major security lapse after a UN guard helped Kentucky Fried Chicken's "Colonel Sanders" gain access to restricted areas.

"It should not have happened, that I will stress, and very strongly," said Michele Montas, spokeswoman for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. "There was some lapse in security and the individual in question... was, on the initiative of one security guard, taken into the UN."
Of course... it could have happened to anybody, right?

Well... maybe not.
The real Harland "Colonel" Sanders typically wore a white suit and string bow tie, but he has been dead since 1980.

Ms. Montas said security officials, many of whom are brought in from overseas, were "still trying to find out exactly what happened."
If a publicity hungry fast-food chain can sneak a poor facsimile of a decades dead spokes-shill up against the President of the United Nations General Assembly... imagine what a determined group of bad guys could do.

Two words here, folks... Twin... Towers.
