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21 October 2009

Ezra Levant has bigger balls...

...than ANY ten Members of Parliament put together...
"Of course, I really don't give a damn about international opinion of Canada. I don't care if some French NGO hates us or loves us."

"What I care about is my God-given freedom as a Canadian, and that Lynch has illegally taken it away. The fact that it takes a liberal French NGO to notice is merely adding insult to injury."

"Now that the exquisitely politically correct progressives at RSF have condemned Lynch, is it too much to ask that our own Parliament actually do something about her?"

"Fire. Them. All."

RELATED: Required reading
"Now to get back to the Canadian Human Rights Act, to help us with our review we have two witnesses as individuals, Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant. Welcome to both of you. You've probably been apprised of the process. Each of you has 10 minutes to present, and then we'll throw the floor open for questions by our committee members."