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04 October 2009

Cry Havoc...

...and get this show on the road...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper officially announced this morning four by-elections will be held Nov. 9.

The four ridings are in British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec.
Let's see what juice the Puffin King actually has.

Hey... even the socialist "Red" Star gets it...
In Montreal, the issue between Cauchon, Coderre and, don't forget, Bob Rae, is not just about fairness and democracy, but also the future leadership – when Ignatieff decides that politics is not worth it and he would be better off in the classroom.

Obviously, some Quebec Liberals believe that the time for Ignatieff to reach that conclusion, already written on the wall, is not far away. Many have started to play the positioning game for a future leadership race and the search for a new messiah.

He will not be Jean Chrétien, of course, but I'm sure he has someone in mind.