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05 October 2009

As Canadian as an RPG7

Khadr, who admitted having a close relationship with his father before he was killed by Pakistani forces in 2003, denied any knowledge of his father's ideologies.

When testifying about a three-month camp he attended when he was about 13 or 14, Khadr explained that learning about basic weapons training, rocket launchers, grenade launchers and how to detonate explosives, were part of the "Muslim culture" and part of growing up in Afghanistan.

"When you go fishing, you fish with a bomb, you don't fish with a fishing rod."
Yeah, sure Abbie... and they clear snowed-in roads with napalm, right?

And, of course, this isn't just about Abdullah... or infamous sibling Omar, currently on ice down at Gitmo...
Court also heard that when Khadr's sister returned to Canada, a hard drive was seized by police, which was shown to have belonged to her father. On it was a 1,300-page handwritten manual that included instructions for making bombs, as well as letters with Osama bin Laden's signature stamp.

Khadr returned to Canada in December 2005 and met with RCMP officials in Toronto and again confessed to purchasing weapons for Al Qaeda. He is the brother of Omar Khadr who is charged with killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan and who is being held in the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.