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25 September 2009

S.S. Narcissieff hits an iceberg

My own sense is that he'll make a seriously bad candidate, due to what I'd call his narcissism. This isn't so much about adoring yourself, as being so self-absorbed that your sense of how others react to you goes missing.

He told CBC Radio's Eleanor Wachtel that politics is “the most incredible adventure of all the adventures I've had in my life. … It's been unforgettable no matter how it turns out.”

But for people in the country, how it turns out is what counts; he can save all the savouring for his next memoir.

“What is it that a great politician knows?” he asked Adam Gopnik. “I'm trying to learn that.”

You might expect him to have had a clue before running to be PM, but at least he's asking.
I dunno... he still seems pretty tone-deaf to me.
