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16 September 2009

Safe School Week? Seriously?

No... stop... please... yer killin' me.

Gotta confess... I wet myself when I got to the part about having a board sponsored "Group Hug Day...
-- TORONTO -- A fight involving knives and fists outside a high school that left three 17-year-olds injured began after a face-off between rival Asian and black youths, police said yesterday.

Two stabbed students and one who was battered during a fracas Monday on the Brockton Collegiate parking lot behind Bloor Collegiate were released from hospital, Const. Tony Vella said.

The three "are not co-operating" with police, leaving youth bureau detectives without a motive for the battle at the start of this week's Safe School Week.

There have been no arrests.
Not to worry, though... the Toronto School board is wheeling out their big gun... a version of Mr Rogers neighbourhood..
Ward 9 trustee Maria Rodrigues said psychologists and sociologists offered counselling during what she called "a group hug day."

Rodrigues was confident "this was an isolated incident" and the school does not need a full-time cop.

Having a uniformed officer would create "fear and intimidation," since many students are from families who emigrated from countries with dictatorships and distrusted police, she said.
Just one question, here Ms. Rodrigues... what sort of atmosphere does a bloody knife fight create?

Just askin'.
