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28 September 2009

No joy in Mudville...

...Mighty Denis has struck out...
Denis Coderre is expected to step down Monday as Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff's Quebec lieutenant, CTV News has learned, over a disagreement about the political comeback of one of the Quebec MP's main rivals.

Coderre will hold a news conference Monday at 11 a.m. in Montreal North where it is expected that he will announce his decision, CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife told Canada AM.

To announce the news conference, Coderre issued a press release Monday that for the first in months did not include the title, "Michael Ignatieff's Quebec lieutenant."
My guess is, this is merely the first of the Fiberal rats... to abandon the sinking ship.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The compassionate, intellectual left responds...
"Stephen Harper will rule the land for all eternity. One day very soon, all the brown trolls will be banished to far off lands and white men like us shall stroll the streets as conquering heroes."
Hey, Nonny... here's a thought.

How about we just banish the infantile, race baiting ones?
