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23 September 2009

Mayor's office strangely silent...

...on whether Toronto will be implementing a tit-for-tat program in response to Aboriginal initiative...
The Elsipogtog First Nation is cracking down on crime in the eastern New Brunswick community by fingerprinting any non-aboriginal people looking to move onto the reserve.

The unusual (***some might say, unconstitutional -- emphasis mine***) steps are being followed as the First Nations community struggles to bring down its crime rate, which is 10 times higher than in neighbouring communities.
Thank goodness this awful problem has finally been resolved. Hopefully, this enlightened policy will also take care of all those other "statistical anomalies" down on the rez...
"The average death rate on reserves for the decade ending in 2002 was more than seven times the national average."
Hmmm, guys... now I'm just spitballin' here... but maybe swine-flu bodybags... aren't actually your biggest problem?
