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03 September 2009

Live and don't learn...

...that's us...
He shot a uniformed police officer in the head. He shot at two other cops with the intent to kill them. He robbed at gunpoint a convenience store and a beer store. He invaded a home with a shotgun, shooting its occupant in the leg.

He has a rap sheet so long for violent crimes in his 32 years it covers two full pages. He has been on the receiving end of break after break by the courts, which put him on probation six times.

The court laughably applied Powell's third lifetime firearms ban. He will not be eligible for parole for seven years.
Yeah, I'm sure... this time... he'll be rehabilitated.


Reminds me of Robin Williams' bit about unarmed British bobbies: "Stop. Or I'll say 'stop' again...".
And don't miss Canadian Cynic, yet again, forging comments under a false "Neo Conservative" blogger id.


LAST WORD: "Feelin' hot, hot, hot!!!"
A Toronto man was arrested in a downtown courthouse this morning, accused of lighting a TTC bus ablaze early yesterday morning.

Steven Edwards, 28, was at Old City Hall for a bail hearing on other charges when cops from 53 Division charged him with assault, common nuisance, assault, fail to comply with recognizance, mischief interfere with property, five counts of weapons dangerous and two counts of arson — one for damage to property and the other for disregard for human life.