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07 September 2009

It was supposed to be...

...a non-blogging day here at the Halls... but there are no statutory holidays for soldiers...

Killed in the explosion were 36-year-old Major Yannick Pepin and Corporal Jean-Francois Drouin, 31 who were hit by the IED explosion around noon local time in the Dand district, southwest of Kandahar city on Sunday.
They will be remembered.


RELATED: They sure like blowin' shit up

A London jury convicted three British Muslims Monday of conspiring to blow up at least seven airliners bound for the U.S. and Canada in what was intended to be the largest such attack since Sept. 11, 2001.

If they had been successful, about 2,000 passengers would have died. If bombs were detonated over U.S. and Canadian cities, hundreds more would have been killed on the ground, officials said.