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12 August 2009

Your money, his friends...

...yet again...
Former eHealth Ontario chief executive officer Sarah Kramer landed the top job at the troubled agency after Premier Dalton McGuinty directly intervened in her appointment, over the objections of some of his own civil servants.

Ms. Kramer did not have to go through the normal channels government agencies use to find a chief executive officer. And Mr. McGuinty was directly involved in her hiring, according to sources close to the situation.
But there's always two sides to a story, right?
Ms. Kramer could not be located for comment.

Jane Almeida, a spokeswoman for Mr. McGuinty, declined to discuss the Premier's involvement in the matter.

A Health Ministry spokeswoman said Tuesday that Dr. Hudson is not available for comment.

"So now according to CBC McSlippery denies the whole thing."

LAST WORD: McGuinty addresses eHealth accusations...
"Hey... what about those racist Conservatives?!?!?!"
