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13 August 2009

Yet another CTV Moonbat Moment

Had to laugh out loud last night as Lisa Laflamme tried to blame the Conservative government for Toronto's CNE board decision to use part of a federal stimulus grant to pay serial philanderer and ex-U.S. president Bill Clinton to share his worldly wisdom with us northern rubes.

The kicker was the clip of infamous dipper loudmouth "Punchin'" Judy Wasalycia-Leis... attempting to link this nonsense with the dead Canadian bodies that will be littering the streets this fall, because Slick Willie... presumably through the personal intervention of his new bff Stephen Harper... got all the Tamiflu bucks.

Who, exactly... besides the rabid pinko faithful... is stupid enough to swallow this cant?


RELATED: Just shut up & eat your pablum
"Canadian statistician and blogger Steve McIntyre, who has been asking for the data set for years, says he isn't impressed by the excuses."

"McIntyre obtained raw data when it was accidentally left on an FTP server last month."

"Since then, CRU has battened down the hatches, and purged its FTP directories lest any more raw data escapes and falls into the wrong hands."